Sunday, March 23, 2014

Corrupt Skies: Episodes I&II

Episode I:
An air marshal on a bank robbery case?

As a series of armed bank robberies spring up in every corner of the nation, burnt-out Air Marshal Harris Fox finds himself thrust in the middle of this high-profile case. The danger unfolds and conspiracy unravels. With lives at stake, and his family in the balance, can Fox solve the mystery before it's too late?

Episode II:
How far would you go to save your family?

The action continues as Air Marshal Harris Fox has to find a way to hijack a plane to keep his captive family alive as the biggest threat he's ever faced finally reveals himself. How does Harris make the call of who lives and who dies?

An unlikely hero is left to pick up the pieces from the fallout.

A humor-filled action-packed thriller, this is the series for fans of television shows and movies like Rescue Me and Psych or Red and 2Guns.

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